Pseudo-Coordinative Structures: Periphrasis and Aspectual Meanings




pseudo-coordination; grammaticalization; periphrasis; aspect


This paper intends to explore the grammatical properties and meaning of pseudo-coordinative structures, as agarra y les paga or va y se muere, registered in different colloquial varieties of Spanish speaking countries.
Pseudo-coordination produces grammaticalized constructions of two verbal forms inflected on the same morphological categories and united by the conjuction y, which denotate a unique event, since the first verb is desemantized or grammaticalized. A relevant fact is that the same grammaticalized verbs intervening on pseudo-coordinative structures (besides ir and agarrar, venir, coger, pillar, saltar and llegar, and the more novel volver, arrancar, largarse, lanzarse, ponerse, meterse, mandarse) function (or functioned) as periphrastic auxiliary verbs, often with an inchoative or ingressive meaning.
Empirically, the paper concentrates on determine the grammatical distribution of pseudo-coordinative structures, differentiating them to inchoative periphrasis, in order to offer a consistent syntactic and semantic analysis of these constructions. This will lead us to conclude that the primary meaning of grammaticalized pseudo-coordinative structures is aorist aspect (Smith, 1991; Camus Bergareche, 2004), in the same lines as Coseriu (1966) and in opposition to recent perspectives, as García Sánchez (2007) and Jaque et al. (2018, 2019).


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How to Cite

Kornfeld, L. M. (2024). Pseudo-Coordinative Structures: Periphrasis and Aspectual Meanings: doi: Revista Española De Lingüística, 54(1), 59-101. Retrieved from


