Thinking-for-translating. Spanish>German/English analysis with students, professionals and automatic translation




motion events; translation; Manner; German; English; Spanish


The present paper analyses the translation of motion events from Spanish novels into German and English. More precisely, it focuses on three translation agents: translation students, professional translators and the neural machine translation tool DeepL. The study, contextualised in the Thinking-for-translating hypothesis (Slobin, 1997, 2000, 2003), aims at investigating whether all the information about the motion events in Spanish novels is transferred or otherwise Manner information is added, as might be expected due to intertypological differences (German and English languages are satellite-framed languages and Spanish is a verb-framed language, Talmy, 1985, 2000) and the data obtained from studies based on professional translation (cf. Slobin, 1996; Cifuentes-Férez, 2013; Molés-Cases, 2019). Overall, the results show that the way students and professionals deal with the translation of motion events is influenced by their mother tongues. However, it seems that, in general, students are more reluctant to add information about Manner in motion events than professional translators. Besides, the most observed translation technique in the case of DeepL corresponds to literal translation.


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How to Cite

Cifuentes-Férez, P., & Molés-Cases, T. . (2023). Thinking-for-translating. Spanish>German/English analysis with students, professionals and automatic translation: doi: Revista Española De Lingüística, 53(1), 281-310. Retrieved from