Expressing causativity through collocations: The case of some nouns of feeling in Latin


  • Cristina Tur Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Feeling nouns; Latin linguistics; collocations; causativity; cognitive metaphors


The human ability of feeling emotions can be expressed by different linguistic strategies such as a simple verb (laetor ‘to rejoice’, metuo ‘to fear’) or a collocation (laetitia sentire ‘to feel joy’, metum habere ‘to be afraid’). But feelings can also be provoked, as in the case of, for example, the collocations laetitiam alicui dare ‘to bring joy to someone’ o metum alicui facere ‘to scare someone.’ The aim of this article is to delve into the forms of linguistic expression of causativity through collocations based on some feeling nouns in Latin. To do that, the particularities of feelings are described, as well as the concepts of collocation and causativity. Then, from a Functional perspective, some causative collocations with feeling nouns in Latin are analyzed, attending their syntactic and semantic features, and, finally, the underlying cognitive metaphors.


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How to Cite

Tur, C. . (2021). Expressing causativity through collocations: The case of some nouns of feeling in Latin: Revista Española De Lingüística, 51(1), 127-146. Retrieved from


