The appropriation of a change by social elites: The evolution of <em>a(h)ora </em>in Golden Age Spanish



  • José Luis Blas Arroyo Universitat Jaume I
  • Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz Universitat Jaume I


Sociolingüística histórica; método comparativo; adverbios de tiempo; alternancia agora/a(h)ora; inmediatez comunicativa; español clásico, Historical sociolinguistics; comparative method; adverbs of time; agora/a(h)ora alternation; communicative immediacy texts; Golden Age Spanish.


This study explains the appropriation of a timid change from below, initiated in the first decades of the sixteenth century, by the social elites in the next century. Within the framework of comparative historical sociolinguistics, and through the use of a corpus composed entirely of texts close to the pole of communicative immediacy, this article analyses the extension of the Spanish adverbial forms a(h)ora instead of the traditional agora between 1500 and 1700. In this process, two clearly differentiated moments can be foreseen: a first period (most of the sixteenth century) in which change advances slowly, and a later stage in which it accelerates considerably in the course of a few years. Therefore, by the end of the seventeenth century, almost categorical uses of the innovative forms are noticed, as well as the definitive cornering of agora as an archaism. In this process, social elites are revealed responsible not only for the abrupt diffusion of the novel variant throughout the entire society, but also for some important qualitative changes in the grammar of variation. In this way, either the linguistic predictors that are revealed significant in the first phases of change are neutralized or their explanatory direction has changed in the most expansive stage.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz, Universitat Jaume I

El presente trabajo se incluye dentro del proyecto de investigación «Dimensiones estructurales, sociales e idiolectales del cambio lingüístico: nuevas aportaciones desde la sociolingüística histórica al estudio del español», financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. FFI2017-86194-P) y la Universitat Jaume I (Ref. UJI-B2017-0), y cuyos detalles pueden encontrarse en la siguiente dirección electrónica: Desde estas líneas quisiéramos agradecer a Carme Barberà, Maria Chiara Marullo, Jordi Ayza y Javier Lara por su colaboración en el Laboratorio de Sociolingüística de la Universitat Jaume I a lo largo de los últimos años. Asimismo, agrademos los comentarios de dos evaluadores anónimos, que en ningún caso son responsables de los errores que pudieran encontrarse en el texto.


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How to Cite

Blas Arroyo, J. L. ., & Vellón Lahoz, F. J. . (2020). The appropriation of a change by social elites: The evolution of <em>a(h)ora </em>in Golden Age Spanish: doi: Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(1), 87-118. Retrieved from



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