A Pragmatic Approach to Three Latin Psychological Verbs. Apropos ‒minus malum opinor quam esse censebam… tecum sentio (cf. PLAVT. Pseud. 956-958)

doi: https://doi.org/10.31810/rsel.52.2.5



Evidentiality; evidential strategies; sincerity; Latin pragmatics; Latin opinion verbs; cognitive verbs


Evidentiality and sincerity are two semantic-pragmatic notions that have been much studied in recent years. Evidentiality refers, in a general way, to the adequacy to reality of the message delivered from the speaker’s point of view, and is related, therefore, to the explicitness of the sources of information behind linguistic utterances: perception, deduction, knowledge from another person’s words, etc.
Sincerity, on the other hand, is not interesting per se ― since it is an inherent property of all truly informative verbal utterances, in accordance with the famous maxims of Grice (1975) ― but in those cases in which there is a decided will on the part of the addresser to make explicit his frankness, his cooperation in the communicative exchange.
Within a broader study of the syntax and semantics of three psychological predicates, sentiō, cēnseō and opīnor, which can be categorised as Latin opinion verbs, the theoretical literature andour philological analysis and commentary of a selection of significant examples will allow us to reflect on the applicability of these concepts to the three verbs under consideration.


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How to Cite

Riesco García, P. (2022). A Pragmatic Approach to Three Latin Psychological Verbs. Apropos ‒minus malum opinor quam esse censebam… tecum sentio (cf. PLAVT. Pseud. 956-958): doi: https://doi.org/10.31810/rsel.52.2.5. Revista Española De Lingüística, 52(2), 195-212. Retrieved from http://revista.sel.edu.es/index.php/revista/article/view/2112



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