The integration of loanwords and the input problem: Evidence from the Arabic-Romance language contact



loanwords; phonological integration; phonological processes; Arabic-Romance language contact; bilingualism


When loanwords are incorporated into a language, they are subject to certain adjustment processes. Concerning their phonological integration, the question arises as on which basis these processes are applied: Is it the phonetic or the phonological representation of the etymon? In debating this question, three main positions can be found. The arguments, apart from relevant linguistic phenomena, are fundamentally based on the role that bilinguals, monolinguals, or both play in the adaptation of loanwords. This paper contributes to the debate by presenting linguistic data of the Arabic-Romance contact and by discussing the sociolinguistic conditions of their adoption.


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How to Cite

Kiegel-Keicher, Y. . (2021). The integration of loanwords and the input problem: Evidence from the Arabic-Romance language contact: Revista Española De Lingüística, 51(1), 59-78. Retrieved from


