La percepción de la cualidad de voz y los estereotipos vocales


  • Marianela Fernández Trinidad


voice quality; breathy voice: pressed voice; sound symbolic associations; vocal stereotypes


An experimental study was carried out to explore the sound symbolic associations that voice quality conveys. In this case, voice quality was modified by changing the global F0 and the phonation type (breathy or pressed voice). A forced choice answer perception test was chosen to verify what associations were produced by these variations. In order to understand whether the participants’ answers were influenced by different voice qualities both quantitative and qualitative analyses were undertaken. Results show that the linkage between meanings and voices was very similar for all the judges. In the same way, it was proved that certain voice qualities led systematically to the same patterns of association. Associations depend on two different aspects; on the one hand, the tone and the phonation type, and on the other hand, previously fixed linguistic and cultural associations. In all the cases, depending on situational, linguistic or extralinguistic contexts, common factors are found to underpin all the qualifying adjectives used by the judges to define the voices.


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How to Cite

Fernández Trinidad, M. (2024). La percepción de la cualidad de voz y los estereotipos vocales. Revista Española De Lingüística, 45(1), 45-72. Retrieved from




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