Intercultural Conflict in the Teaching of Businnes Spanish as Second Language Adquisition: A Review of the Cultural Dimensions
Iintercultural conflict; communicative competence; cultural dimensions; business Spanish; Spanish for Specific Purposes.Abstract
In today’s globalized economy, companies have moved beyond national borders and now operate in multicultural settings, where the cultural diversity of employees and business partners is increasingly prevalent. Interactions with individuals from various cultural backgrounds bring new challenges and present risks of misunderstandings, conflicts, and cultural clashes that may impact performance and collaboration. Considering this reality, understanding cultural norms, communication styles, and negotiation approaches is essential. This study examines three texts that discuss conflicts within the realm of negotiation, exploring how the topic of conflict is framed and the extent to which it can be linked to Meyer’s (2015a) cultural dimensions. The analysis underscores not only the importance of developing intercultural competencies in teaching Business Spanish to prevent misunderstandings and promote effective communication in multicultural environments, but also the potential to expand these cultural dimensions and apply them in the Spanish second language business classroom.
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