Generic Terms and Lexical Function 'Gener' in Meaning-Text Theory
lexical functions; Gener; generic terms; shell nouns; light nounsAbstract
In Meaning-Text theory, the lexical function Gener is part of an encoding system to formalise the lexical relations of a language. Specifically, Gener outlines a paradigmatic lexical relation that provides as values terms corresponding to generic concepts for the keyword to which it is applied. Thus, asiento ‘seat’ is a generic term for silla ‘chair’, sofá ‘sofa’ or taburete ‘stool’, and sentimiento ‘feeling’ for tristeza ‘sadness’, alegría ‘joy’ or dolor ‘pain’. Despite the great versatility of this lexical function as a theoretical and practical tool, its definition raises some questions: 1) Are the values of Gener as asiento ‘seat’ hyperonymous terms? If so, how can we verify it? 2) Is Gener a strictly paradigmatic lexical relation, in the light of expressions such as sentimento de alegría ‘feeling of joy’, in which the keyword is combined with its value? If not, how should Gener be classified, as a mixed lexical relation or as two different lexical relations? The study will delve into the theoretical nature of Gener in order to provide an answer to the questions raised, and to establish its similarities and differences with other generic concepts that have emerged on the contemporary linguistic scene, light nouns and shell nouns.
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