Generativism and Minimimalism: Which is the the theory and which is the Program?



Generative grammar; minimalist program; biolinguistic program; grammatical theory


Chomsky and his followers routinely introduce linguistic minimalism as a «program», in the sense that it merely provides some guidelines for the elaboration of grammatical theories proper. According to this orthodox interpretation, these theories can be attributed factual content, that is, content open to empirical refutation, but the program as such is immune to this type of rebuttal. This article discusses this vision of the minimalist «program» and proposes a reconceptualization of both minimalism and generativism in its different phases of development. According to this proposal,


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How to Cite

Lorenzo González, G. (2022). Generativism and Minimimalism: Which is the the theory and which is the Program? : Revista Española De Lingüística, 52(2), 7-26. Retrieved from


