En absoluto a negative expression




negation; negative word; Jespersen’s cycle; ellipsis


This paper analyzes the construction en absoluto as negative word. We look into the possibility of considering two values for en absoluto: a discursive value as a negative response, and a sentence value in non-strict negative concordance. From the analysis of all the examples provided in the CDH and CORPES XXI corpus for en absoluto, we give an account of the meanings and formal characteristics of this construction. We also analyze the evolution of this construction from its positive value to a generalizer reinforcement of negation and its consideration as negative word within the Jespersen’s Cycle.


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How to Cite

Cifuentes Honrubia, J. L. . (2021). En absoluto a negative expression: http://dx.doi.org/10.31810/rsel.51.1.5 . Revista Española De Lingüística, 51(1), 97-126. Retrieved from http://revista.sel.edu.es/index.php/revista/article/view/2053


