Semantic roles associated to the suffix -dor in Spanish and Catalan



semantic roles; suffix -dor; derivative morphology; Spanish; Catalan


This article deals with the multifunctionality of the Spanish and Catalan suffix -dor. The aim of the research is to verify if the instrumental and locative meanings of this suffix appeared in Spanish under the influence of Catalan, since the suffix -dorr in Catalan originates in the agentive Latin suffix -tor and as well in the instrumental and locative suffix -tōrium, whereas in Spanish the suffix -tōrium gave as a result the suffix -dero. The results of the quantitative analysis of the semantic roles associated to the suffix -dor in Spanish and Catalan in the period between 1200s and 1500s confirm that Catalan influenced Spanish in this sense.


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How to Cite

Lamaczová, K. (2021). Semantic roles associated to the suffix -dor in Spanish and Catalan: Revista Española De Lingüística, 51(1), 7-22. Retrieved from


