Is there anything between control and restructuring? On the construction poner algo ~ a alguien a + infinitive


  • Margot Vivanco Universidad de Castilla La Mancha


Causativity; restructuring; control; aspect; infinitives; prepositions.


This paper aims to shed light on the key semantic and syntactic aspects of an understudied Spanish construction, <poner algo ~ a alguien a + infinitivo> («to put something ~ someone to + infinitive»). It will be argued that the preposition a plays a crucial role in determining its causative semantics and its aspectual restrictions (inchoativity); furthermore, a syntactic analysis will be developed in order to explain its hybrid properties, between control and restructuring.


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Author Biography

Margot Vivanco, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha


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How to Cite

Vivanco, M. (2020). Is there anything between control and restructuring? On the construction poner algo ~ a alguien a + infinitive: Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 213-242. Retrieved from


