On participles and adjectives. Constructions with verb+bien+pp/a



  • María Sol Dibo Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • María Mare Universidad Nacional del Comahue/IPEHCS-CONICET


Bien   PP/A modifier; resultativity; manner modification; argument structure.


This paper explores what we have named the <Verb + bien + Past Participle/Adjective> construction. These structures have been discussed in Bosque 1989 as «cognate participle constructions»: secar los platos bien {secados ~ secos} «to dry the dishes well ~ off». Drawing from the discussions about resultativity, the distinctions between manner and result readings, and the interpretation of bien as an indicator of maximal degree, an analysis of these sequences is postulated from a neoconstructionist approach that accounts for two aspects: (1) the presence of the constituent <bien + PP/A> is not responsible for the result reading where that interpretation is available, and (2) the manner/result readings not only arise from different merge positions in the main structure of the constituent <bien + PP/A>, but also from the type of projection quantified by bien (Voice* or Place). The tests used to advance this analysis allow for the clear identification of the main differences between these constructions and the levels of modification where the past participle form is the only option available.


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How to Cite

Dibo, M. S. ., & Mare, M. . (2020). On participles and adjectives. Constructions with verb+bien+pp/a: https://dx.doi.org/10.31810/RSEL.50.2.8. Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 185-212. Retrieved from http://revista.sel.edu.es/index.php/revista/article/view/2028


