Passives of psychological verbs with experiencer subjects


  • Rafael Marín Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) / Universidad de Lille, Francia 


Adjectival passive; verbal passive; state; event; psychological verb; ser and estar; individual level and stage level.


In the recent literature, it is widely assumed that adjectival passives are stative, while verbal passives are eventive. Regarding Spanish, it is also mostly assumed that adjectival passives only come with estar (El edificio está bien construido, «The building is well built»), while verbal passives only come with ser (El edificio ya ha sido construido, «The building has already been built»). However, there is at least a group of verbs, that of subject experiencer psych verbs (SPEVs), which poses a serious problem to these generalizations, given that passives of SEPVs, although being unquestionably stative, are constructed with ser: Pedro es temido, «Pedro is feared». In this paper it is argued, that SEPV passives are not verbal, but adjectival, and that they take ser because they denote individual-level states.


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Author Biography

Rafael Marín, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) / Universidad de Lille, Francia 


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How to Cite

Marín, R. (2020). Passives of psychological verbs with experiencer subjects: Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 165-183. Retrieved from


