The relation between grammatical and lexical number


  • Helena López Palma Universidad de A Coruña


Plural; singular; cardinal number word; successor phrase; semantics.


We contrast the commonalities and differences of inflectional plural in nouns and cardinal number words. Our comparative method is based in Bosque 1989. Plurals and cardinals share the minimal additive function used in the construction of their system. They differ in: (a) The units used to build their respective systems: A natural unit in nouns . An axiomatic unit in numbers card(n). (b) The properties of their domain: a join semi-lattice partially ordered by ≤. A totally ordered sequence of natural numbers ⟨⟨1,2,...,n⟩ ∈ ℕ. We propose a model which generalizes Peano’s Axioms for the building functions.


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How to Cite

López Palma, H. (2020). The relation between grammatical and lexical number: Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 49-81. Retrieved from


