
  • Carlos Monzó Gallo



High phonemes tend to be associated in many languages to particular semantic values (smallness, affectivity, femenine sex, etc.). Such an association is based on the peculiar high tone of infant voice and on properties commonly assigned to children. Our aim in this paper is to examine the process by virtue of which [i], a high-pitched and sound symbolic vowel, gives rise to the hypocoristic suffix /-i/.

Keywords: hypocoristics; sound symbolism; noun morphology; child speech.


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How to Cite

Monzó Gallo, C. (1). HIPOCORÍSTICOS EN /-I/: ICONISMO FONÉTICO DE LA AFECTIVIDAD. Revista Española De Lingüística, 47(2), 7-28. Retrieved from http://revista.sel.edu.es/index.php/revista/article/view/1988


