Morphological Evaluation of Subword Vocabularies Used by Large Language Models



tokenizing; morphemes; subwords; large language models; Spanish language


Traditional tokenization methods using linguistic rules have been replaced by statistical segmentation algorithms. Although these algorithms show a higher efficiency and are capable of building subword vocabularies from large corpora without human supervision, these subwords do not consistently correspond to morphemes. This paper addresses this issue by proposing an evaluation methodology and applying it to the morphological quality of Spanish vocabularies produced by three prominent subword tokenization algorithms –BPE, WordPiece, and Unigram– commonly used in Large Language Models (LLMs). Three gold standards were created to measure relevance, coherence, and morphological accuracy of vocabularies of six tokenizers trained on Spanish corpus, exploring different vocabulary sizes. Evaluation results indicate that none of the three algorithms is suitable for accurately representing Spanish morphology.


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How to Cite

Morphological Evaluation of Subword Vocabularies Used by Large Language Models: doi: (2024). Revista Española De Lingüística, 54(1), 103-130. Retrieved from


