Morphosyntactic analysis of the «negated participles» in Gothic: Active present nd-participles




Gothic; Morphosyntax; nd-Participles; Negation


The Indo-European languages have a prefix that derives negative adjectives from nouns and positive adjectives. Some ancient languages have this same prefix negating the Present Participles. They are the so-called «negated participles». Although they were identified in some languages, they did not study systematically until the Lowe’s works, who analyzed these participles morphologically, syntactically, and semantically in the Ṛgveda and other ancient Indo-European languages. As a result of these works, we analyze this type of participles in Gothic, since it was not one of languages studied by Lowe and it has relevant data that confirms and qualifies the conclusions extracted by this author.


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How to Cite

Ayora Estevan, D. (2022). Morphosyntactic analysis of the «negated participles» in Gothic: Active present nd-participles: doi: Revista Española De Lingüística, 52(2), 27-46. Retrieved from


