Capaz as a marker of epistemic modality: Adjective, adverb, or something else?


  • Begoña Sanromán Vilas Universidad de Helsinki


Epistemic modality; grammatical category; adjective; adverb; sentential particle; Speech Act Phrase.


This paper deals with a group of expressions containing the vocable capaz ‘able’ used to communicate the probability the propositional content coming true (ex., Es que capaz que venga/viene «it is possible that s/he comes», Capaz que venga/viene «possible that s/he comes» and Capaz viene/venga «possible s/he comes»). Since descriptions of capaz in dictionaries and in the grammar are varied and lack consensus, this study will focus on the expressions of probability containing capaz with the aim to clarify the number of lexical units within the vocable, their grammatical status as well as possible semantic (and/or pragmatic) differences. From the syntactic viewpoint, it will be firstly verified whether the expressions under analysis are mono-clausal or bi-clausal structures; secondly it will be also examined which properties of capaz are associated with the category of adjectives and which ones with the category of adverbs. The distribution of capaz within the sentence paying special attention to its syntactic position, its compatibility with other expressions of the same type and its capacity to constitute independent statements will be also analysed. The results will allow for determining the scope of this/these unit/s, which will be a key factor to ascertain the number, grammatical status and semantic values of capaz, as well as the level of analysis where it is (or they are) located.


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Author Biography

Begoña Sanromán Vilas, Universidad de Helsinki


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How to Cite

Sanromán Vilas, B. (2020). Capaz as a marker of epistemic modality: Adjective, adverb, or something else? Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 131-164. Retrieved from


