Prepositional complementizers in infinitival relative clauses


Prepositional relative; prepositional complementizer; infinitive; finiteness; root modality.


In this article we propose analyzing the elements heading prepositional infinitival relatives (libros por/para leer ‘books to read’) as prepositional complementizers generated in the head of FiniteP. This allows us to make clear differences between prepositional relative sentences and purpose and cause non-relative prepositional constructions, while offering a uniform analysis for all relative clauses, whether finite or not. We also suggest that the modal reading associated with prepositional relatives is expressed through a specific functional category linked to root modality, which allows us to explain part of the combinatorial restrictions of these relative constructions. Finally, we propose extending this analysis to infinitival relatives introduced by que ‘that’ (libros que leer ‘books to read’).


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How to Cite

Prepositional complementizers in infinitival relative clauses: (2020). Revista Española De Lingüística, 50(2), 83-106. Retrieved from


