About the Journal

Aims and scope. Revista Española de Lingüística (RSEL was founded in 1971 as the flagship journal of the Sociedad Española de Lingüística. It is a general-coverage journal, open to linguists from around the world investigating all languages and topics in linguistics and related disciplines. 

Sections. RSEL publishes peer-reviewed original research articles that make a significant contribution to the field, as well as book reviews and information notes relevant to the linguistic community. Special thematic issues with guest editors are also welcome.

Publishing schedule. RSEL publishes one volume with two issues per year.

Open access. Since 2018, RSEL is an online open-access journal. All back printed issues are also available in digital format.

Ownership and management. RSEL is the flagship journal of the Sociedad Española de Lingüística.  

Editorial Team. Names and affiliations of all members of the governing boards can be found at the Editorial Team tab.

Contact information. Secretary: RSEL.secretaria@gmail.com ; Layout and production: produccionRSEL@gmail.com

Copyright and licensing. RSEL is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Linguistics (SEL). Its contents are the property of the authors and SEL, to which these assign the distribution rights. RSEL uses a Creative Commons license CC BY.NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. 

Author fees. RSEL charges no fees to authors for publication.

Peer-review process - All content is be subjected to peer-review. For details, see the Reviewers tab.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. See full details in the Best Practice tab.

Backup and preservation policy. RSEL ensures the permanent accessibility of its contents through the following mechanisms:

  • Backups.
  • Updating formats according to technological standards.
  • Digital preservation metadata.
  • Use of DOI.

This journal is part of the Public Knowledge Project’s Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN), which generates a decentralized filing system. The listing is distributed among collaborating libraries, to create permanent archives of the journal that ensure its conservation and restoration if necessary. The digital preservation policy will be reviewed periodically by the publishing entity.

Access and reuse policies. The contents of RSEL are open access and are fully accessible. Based on the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) standard, RSEL facilitates the dissemination of its content on the Internet, providing a simple interface that allows other portals and information services to access its metadata, according to the Dublin Core format.

Specifications: OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0; Dublin Core Metadata;

Access route: http://revista.sel.edu.es/index.php/revista/oai?verb=Identify